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Error Correction Worksheet

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jbower Country Flag

This worksheet was created by John Bower. HOD Social Sciences at McAuley High School. 2009-2018 and HOD Social Sciences at Mangere College in 2019.

heelis Country Flag

Phases of the Moon - Correct the spelling

Lisa12204 Country Flag

To review capitalizations rules in English. Students are to read the text, highlight in yellow the letter to be capitalized, compare their work against the answer sheet, make any necessary corrections, and then rewrite the text in proper essay format. Essay format has the text indented, written in the margins, no splitting of words with hyphens, and no lines skipped between paragraphs. The text is cited by the URL copied on the bottom of the text.

choithomas1900 Country Flag

Chuseok Proofread

mercurycolleges Country Flag

file 9 intermediate error correction

gringa999 Country Flag

These are the summaries of Chapters 1-4.

paigeappleyard Country Flag

It's a paragraph I wrote to help show organization and in error form to work on proofreading skills. I hope you find it useful!

gramarye Country Flag

Short recount to test understanding proper use of capital letters

Showing 1 to 36 of 36