
Growth and Development Crossword


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Date Shared: 25 September 2017

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Development Process that includes growth AND progress in skills and abilities Heredity Biological process by which traits are passed on from parents to children Environment All the conditions and circumstances affecting a person's daily life Interrelated How things or qualities interact or combine with each other Lifespan the range of a person's life from conception to end of life PIES Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social Physical increase in size and ability to control body movements Intellectual Language development, problem solving, memory Emotional Personality; feelings; type of development Social Relating to other people; type of development Similar Development is ____________ for everyone Milestones growth, ability, or achievements that are typical in each stage Trait A distinguishing quality or characteristic Case Study a situation in real life that can be looked at or studied to learn something Individual Development takes place at an _________________ rate

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25 September 2017

terilester Author Country Flag

Human Growth and Development Foundations Vocabulary

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