
How green are you?

Sentence Scramble Worksheet

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Country Flag United Kingdom

Date Shared: 21 October 2015

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Worksheet Instructions:

Unscramble the sentences below to find ways to be green e.g. grown / eat / food / locally > Eat food grown locally.

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you should switch off electronic devices at night we can drive electric cars that don't need to use petrol you can use leftovers to make compost or fertiliser you can recycle your rubbish you should turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth you can re-use water to water your plants you should insulate the roof of your house to keep in the heat you should use an eco-bag when you go shopping you should avoid products with too much packaging you shouldn't waste food you can cycle to work or school instead of driving we should build factories outside the city for less pollution you should use timers to save electricity you should print on both sides of the page you should use tap water instead of buying bottled water

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21 October 2015

ShirleyNorrie Author Country Flag

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