
Old Yeller Quiz ch. 1-3

Q & A Worksheet

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Date Shared: 12 March 2013

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How did Old Yeller’s name have a double meaning? Describe the setting of Chapter One. Why were Travis’s dad and the other men leaving for Abilene, Kansas? From what you know of Arliss so far, how would you describe his personality? Why? Describe the strategy that Travis used to get Jumper to obey him. How did Arliss respond to Travis’s anger at Old Yeller? How had Old Yeller proved his cleverness in Chapter Two? Why did Travis take Jumper along when he went deer hunting? When Travis returned from deer hunting what did he find his brother doing? How did Travis react to this? Why do you think Old Yeller didn’t try to eat the deer meat that Travis hung in the dog run?

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12 March 2013

teacherheather Author Country Flag

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