
Psalm 8


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Date Shared: 7 March 2020

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majestic Lord,our,Lord, how-------- is your name ---- in all the earth! heavens You have set your glory in the -------. children Through the praise of -------- and infants stronghold you have established a ---------- against your enemies, silence to ------- the foes and the avenger. consider When I -------- your heavens,the works of your fingers, moons the stars the ---- and --- ------,which you have set in place, mankind what is ------- that you are mindful of them, human beings ----- ------ that care for them? little You have made them a ------ lower than angels crowned and ------- them with glory and honor. hands You made them rulers over the works of your-----; feet you put everything under their ---- : all --- flocks and herds,and the animals of the wild, sky the birds in the ---, sea and the fish in the---,all that swim the path of the seas. Lord Lord,our ----, how majestic is your name in earth all the ------ !

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7 March 2020

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