
quiz 2

Multiple Choice Worksheet

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Date Shared: 6 January 2017

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Circle the best answer.

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Pain located near the surface of the body is called _______ pain. A person lying face down is resting in the ______position. In anatomical position, your fingers are _____to your wrist. Within the thoracic cavity, the heart is _______ to the right lung. On my face, the _______ is the most SUPERIOR structure. Two structures which are IPSILATERAL are the ________. On the lower limb, the feet are the most ______ structure. In anatomical position, the limbs and torso are in a position that can be described as _____ For the most part, the right side of the brain controls movement on the left side (opposite side) of the body. This control can best be described as ______ control. Two words which mean "toward the back" are ________. Which words are NOT opposites: The pointed tip of a structure that has a cone-like shape is the structure's _____. When you have two matching structures on opposite sides of the body's midline (2 eyes, 2 ears, etc), these structures can be called: If you start in anatomical position and bend all the joints (except the knee) toward the front (anteriorly), like you are curling up into the fetal position, the movement is called: Which structure is AXIAL? (in other words, which structure is NOT appendicular -- or which structure is NOT considered an "appendage") From your flash cards, inversion and eversion refer to movement at the From your flashcards, ulnar deviation and radial deviation refer to movement at the When you pull a limb in toward the body, you are ________ Backstroke is swum in the ______ position Which type of doctor is likely to spend the most time examining deep structures?

superficial deep superior distal prone supine superior posterior distal proximal protract deviant medial lateral supine prone forehead chin nose mouth right arm and right leg right arm and left leg right arm and left arm head and spinal cord inferior and distal superior and proximal inferior and proximal superior and distal extension flexion hyperextension hyperflexion contralateral ipsilateral medial radial dorsal and posterior dorsal and deep ventral and supine ventral and deep dorsal and deep prone and supine superior and inferior anterior and posterior apex base bilateral unilateral flexion extension hyperextension rotation the head the arm the leg ankle neck & head wrist hip & leg wrist ankle head & neck hip & leg adducting abducting supine prone surgeon dermatologist psychiatrist

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6 January 2017

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