
The Importance of Sleep in Learning and Memory

Cloze Test Worksheet

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Date Shared: 1 April 2019

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The encoding of information into the long term memory sites occurring during sleep, more specifically, during the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This is a slow process that can flow more easily when the brain is not preoccupied with external stimuli. Consequently the brain blocks external sensory input during REM sleep. The brain also blocks motor output to prevent us from physically acting out our dreams. When we sleep, the brain reviews the events and tasks of the day, storing them more securely than at the time we originally processed them. What we think and talk about while awake very likely influences the nature and shape of the memory consolidation that occurs during sleep. (Tuma 2005). Will knowing that a test is coming improve the chances of consolidation into long term memory? Apparently, yes.

into sites during sleep that when with blocks REM output acting sleep and them time we awake shape occurs knowing improve term yes

What happens during REM sleep?

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1 April 2019

SheilaRosa Author Country Flag

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