
The Shepherd Who Cried "Wolf!"

Cloze Test Worksheet

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Date Shared: 4 September 2015

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Once upon a time there was a shepherd who liked to play a trick on the villagers who lived nearby. He'd pretend that his flock of sheep was being attacked by wolves. "Come quickly," he'd yell as loudly as he could "Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!" Each time, every time, the villagers raced to rescue the shepherd's flock. But each time, every time, there were no wolves to be found. The villagers would turn and walk home. The shepherd would fall on the ground and roll around, screaming with laughter. But one day wolves really did attack the shepherd's flock. "Come quickly," he yelled. "Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!" But this time, no villagers came to help. They'd had enough of the shepherd's silly tricks. They stayed in their village. The shepherd kept yelling. And the wolves kept attacking until they ate up the sheep, every last one. MORAL Liars are not believed, even when they tell the truth.

shepherd flock attacked villagers rescue Liars truth

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4 September 2015

kylesni Author Country Flag

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