
The Stranger

Multiple Choice Worksheet

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Date Shared: 19 March 2013

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What did Mr. Bailey think he hit with the truck? What did the stranger do after Mr. Bailey knelt down beside him on the road? Why did the doctor tell Mrs. Bailey to throw ouut the thermometer? What happened when the stranger blew across a spoonful of soup? How do the rabbits act towrad the stranger? This story is an example of What does the author do in the first part of the story? What happens to the Bailey's farmhouse windows each autumn? What was peculiar about the stranger working in the fields with Mr. Bailey? The author writes, "The steam that rose from the hot food fascinated him". What does the word fascinated mean?

a deer a man a rabbit a cat He opened his eyes and jumped up. He held up his hand to signal Mr. Bailey to stay away. He moaned loudly and grabbed his shoulder. None of the above He said it was broken with the mercury stuck at the bottom. He said it had broke on his way to the Bailey home. He said it broke when the dog grabbed it. He said it broke when he set it beside the stranger. Mrs. Bailey shivered Katy copied him by blowing on her spoonful of soup. The soup spilled. The soup turned to ice. They hop toward him. They ignore him. They hop away from him. They watch him from a distance. fiction poerty drama nonfiction He tells how Mr. Bailey met the stranger. He explains why the stranger doesn't talk. He describes the four seasons of the year. He gives examples of the strangers odd behavior. The words "See you next fall" are etched in the frost. A strong breeze pushes them open and a draft blows through the house. They rattle and shake with the wind. All of these things happen. He never tired or sweated. He was able to do the work with one hand. It only took him 30 minutes to complete his job. He was hypnotized by the pitchfork. attracted disgusted frightened comforted

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19 March 2013

krimer44 Author Country Flag

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