
Staff Meeting Bingo

Bingo Sheet

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Country Flag Australia

Date Shared: 7 November 2018

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Worksheet Instructions:

We all hate boring meetings. Liven yours up a little by covertly playing bingo with a couple of colleagues.* * do this at your own risk!

Target Language or Knowledge:

teacher asks question chair has already answered "STEM" "innovation" "Board of Ed" "behavior management" teacher playing on smartphone long convoluted, meaningless question slurping coffee bored teacher doodles "kinaesthetic learning style" "standardized tests" "allergies" "zero tolerance" "constructive feedback" chair cannot use projector audible groan at someone's question "sorry I'm late"

Appreciative Members 1 member says thanks!

Avatar talkpusher
Country Flag ES

Discussion 3 comments about this worksheet.


7 November 2018

Quickworksheets Author Country Flag

Liven up any staff meeting with this tongue-in-cheek bingo game.

11 November 2018

talkpusher Country Flag

I loved your job.

12 November 2018

Quickworksheets Author Country Flag

Thanks talkpusher!

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