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Date Shared: 9 December 2022
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phone Jane called her mom on her cell ___________. phrase a small group of words that go together, like "Thank you" phase To full moon to crescent moon, I love watching all of the ________s of the moon, quilt a blanket made by sewing pieces of fabric together to form a pattern quicksand loose wet sand that moves easily to pressure and sucks in anything resting or falling into it squid A _______ is a funny looking animal that has tentacles and a point head and big eyes. whine Please do not _______ when you do not get your way or if you want something, and you have been told "no". whale a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a very large fish, but is actually a mammal quest a long or difficult search for something; to seek out white a color
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9 December 2022
foshoo Author