
Refugee Academic Vocabulary


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Date Shared: 22 March 2022

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Push Factors Factor that causes people to leave their homelands and migrate to another region Pull Factors Factors that encourages people to move to a new location. Tenement Housing overcrowded, unsanitary, and usually full of poor immigrants Immigration Moving into a foreign country to permanently live there Refugee people who have been forced to flee their home country because of war, persecution, or violence Naturalization A legal process to obtain citizenship Assimilation taking in and fully understanding information or ideas Quota a limited or fixed number or amount of people allowed to enter a country Immigration Act of 1924 Federal law limiting the number of immigrants that could be admitted from any country to 2% of the population from that country already in the U.S Dream Act (2001) Law creating a process for undocumented immigrants to earn conditional residency

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22 March 2022

jblamber71 Author Country Flag

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