
Te Reo Maori Crossword 3


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Country Flag New Zealand

Date Shared: 15 September 2020

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Worksheet Instructions:

Student Instructions: Complete the crossword below using the clues and the words from the box below. You may use any other resources to help you complete the crossword.

Target Language or Knowledge:

Maunga Mountain Awa River Waiata Song Moana Sea Raapa Wednesday Raumati Summer Koanga Spring Ngahuru Autumn Hotoke Winter Ata Marie Good morning Haere mai Come here Haere ra Farewell - goodbye Aotearoa New Zealand Whare House Motu Island Rohe Boundary - border Po Marie Good evening Kahurangi Blue Whero Red Kowhai Yellow

Write a journey story using words from the above list

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15 September 2020

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