
Text Features


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Date Shared: 13 September 2016

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TextFeatures authors include these to provide information that may not be in the text itself but will help the reader understand better TableofContents found at the beginning of the text, it lists the major parts of the book with their page numbers and it outlines the main topics or points; used to help the reader see the organization of the text and to locate information Index usually at the end of the text, an alphabetical list of key names, terms, events, and topics along with page numbers to help the reader locate information Glossary a list of key/important terms with their definitions and pronunciations used to help the reader better understand the subject Title usually in larger, bolder text, they tell the reader what the main ideas and focus are, and are used to help the reader make connections Subheading usually in larger, bolder text, they divide the text into smaller sections to tell the main idea of each part Graphic photograph, illustration, map, diagram, table, timeline, etc used to provide information in a visual way to help support the information in the text Caption explains what is shown in a graphic to help the reader understand information that may not be in the text of the story Text using bold font, color, and italics, etc. to draw the reader's attention to important, key words Textbox provides more exciting and interesting information about the topic than is in the main text that the author wants the reader to know

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13 September 2016

marthadrew Author Country Flag

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