Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences Worksheet
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Date Shared: 18 November 2014
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This is all about cars.
All cars have an engine to make the car move.
Cars also have manual or automatic gears.
Cars with manual gears have a clutch.
Automatic cars have a "drive shift" gear stick.
All cars have reverse, to go backwards.
All cars have an ignition switch to start the car.
Cars are driven on the roadway.
There are laws about alcohol and driving.
You must stop on a red traffic light.
You move forward on a green light.
There are also laws about how & where to park cars.
By law, you must wear a seat belt.
A hand brake stops the car from moving.
The car won't move if the gear is in neutral.
You need a licence to drive a car.
A car has to be registered to get a number-plate.
Cars have to be insured in case of accidents.
You have to do a test before you can drive.
food, shopping
wheels, seats
buttons, lights
lights, buttons
manual, electric
parking, seating
electric, manual
footpath, sidewalk
eating, smoking
slow, go
red, yellow
buy, sell
tight, loose
gear, clutch
reverse, forward
money, petrol
good, new
washed, painted
shop, tour
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18 November 2014
malbeck Author