
Elements of Plot

Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences Worksheet

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Date Shared: 11 September 2016

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Worksheet Instructions:

Directions:  Write the vocabulary word in the blank.  Spell the word correctly!

Target Language or Knowledge:

Conflict - a struggle between two sides filled with tension, excitement, and suspense. Character - a person or animal in a fictional text who goes through complications, who has some kind of conflict. Setting - the time, place, and weather of a story. Exposition - introduces the setting, characters, narrator--the beginning situation. Plot - the series of events in a fictional text--the order that things happen in a story. Narrator - the person telling the story. Resolution - the outcome of the conflict; how everything works out in the end. RisingAction - where conflicts are introduced and explanations of how characters try to overcome obstacles. Climax - the highest turning point in the action, like a final showdown between good and bad. FallingAction - the events after the climax that wrap up the plot and lead to the resolution.

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11 September 2016

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