Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences Worksheet
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Date Shared: 17 January 2024
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There's a mark on my paper.
An adult has an average of 206 bones in their body.
I like to stand in the rain.
Fish can talk to each other using low frequency squeaks detectable only be technology.
Red is the first color babies see.
If you don't ask questions, you'll never know or learn anything.
The sun is so far away from Earth that it takes sunlight about 8 minutes to reach us! It's known as the speed of light.
Listening to music can enhance your movement.
Greenville is considered an urban area.
color, sun
area, fish
sun, color
music, mark
sun, question
fish, body
color, music
body, fish
mark, question
Write sentences using words from above:
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17 January 2024
Amber73 Author