Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences Worksheet
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Date Shared: 13 February 2012
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The dog returned to its home.
It's raining outside.
I think it's great that you've written a book.
It's time for me to go to school.
I like your new TV. Its screen is very big.
This song! Its melody is so cheerful.
It's a beautiful sunny morning this morning.
That oak tree is huge. Let's sit under its shade.
Nice suit! It's rare to see you so dapper.
I put the baby frog back in its pond.
Write 2 sentences using "its" and 2 sentences using "it's".
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13 February 2012
Quickworksheets Author
Even native English speakers sometimes find the difference between "its" and "it's" confusing. Test your student's ability to distinguish between "its" - a possessive - and "it's" - a contraction of "it is".