
Spelling List D-10

Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences Worksheet

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Date Shared: 5 December 2016

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Cameron wants to be a police officer like his dad. Can you believe how much traffic there is on the road this morning? “If there are no questions, we will proceed ,” said the teacher. Paul and Quinn worked on their partner history report equally. Wanda is a fitness instructor at the local gym. Some of the rules of grammar are difficult to remember. When Louisa has allergy symptoms, her eyes become swollen and puffy. You can change the way the words on your computer look by using the toolbar. Jason's mother was worried that they'd be late to his dentist appointment. Ciara made a copy of the document using the computer scanner. Mrs. Sanders doesn't approve of her boys riding their bikes without wearing helmets. Today the maintenance man is going to install a new water fountain in the hallway. Would you please clean the mirror? It's so dusty, I can hardly see anything through it! The ornaments on the Christmas tree glimmer among the twinkling lights. Jaylen pretends to be a samurai warrior when he plays in the backyard. What kind of career would you like to have when you grow up? Mr. and Mrs. Nolan are excited for the arrival of their baby boy. Lorna's family has corned beef and cabbage for dinner on St. Patrick's Day. Felicity didn't mean to offend Tessa when she pointed out the crumb on Tessa's shirt. I know you will succeed in whatever you put your mind to. Chun organized a surprise birthday party for his friend, Jian. Penny makes sure to include her little brother in the games she and her friends play. The caterpillar became a beautiful butterfly. Please knock on the bathroom door in case the bathroom is already occupied. José made an accidental hole in his shirt when he used scissors to cut the tag off.

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5 December 2016

gringa999 Author Country Flag

superteacherworksheets.com Spelling List D-10

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