Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences Worksheet
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Date Shared: 27 September 2017
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Use the words in the box to complete the phrases.
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The most rain in one day was 14.26 inches at Mt. Mitchell in 1986.
The highest place in Washington is Mt. Rainier, which is 14,410 feet above sea level.
Washington is the only state to be named after a president .
The state flower is the Coast Rhododendron.
The state tree is the Western Hemlock.
The state bird is the Willow Goldfinch.
The state fish is the steelhead trout.
The state dance is the square dance.
The state fruit is the apple.
The state marine mammal is the Orca.
The state vegetable is the Walla Walla sweet onion.
The state capitol is Olympia.
Native Americans who lived here for generations called Olympia “The Black Bear Place.”
The Space Needle in Seattle is 605 feet tall.
Washington has five major volcanoes.
The Centennial Trail that goes from Spokane to Coeur d'Alene is 69 miles long.
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27 September 2017
gringa999 Author
Washington Fun Facts