
Week 2 List 2 (7th Grade)

Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences Worksheet

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Date Shared: 2 August 2021

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Worksheet Instructions:

Fill in the blank with the vocabulary word that best completes each sentence.

Target Language or Knowledge:

The man was in mental turmoil caused by memories of a difficult situation. The knight was on a quest to save the princess. The fragrance she was wearing smelled like roses. The two girls decided to stop fighting everyday and to try to be civil with each other and just get along. The horse decided to balk in the middle of the street and not move. A mellow relaxed teacher is very popular with students. The data represents the results of our analysis. The region abounds in coal; they had more than enough. The man had such a serious somber look on his face, stressing the precises term you lived. The deranged girl ranted for hours about how mad she was.

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2 August 2021

Jonalyn6 Author Country Flag

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