
Wonders 5 Unit 3 Week 3 Vocabulary Worksheet 1

Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences Worksheet

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Country Flag Egypt

Date Shared: 11 June 2024

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Worksheet Instructions:

Fill in the Blanks with Words from the Word Bank

Target Language or Knowledge:

. The ancient Egyptians were a great civilization that built pyramids and invented writing. The tailor fashioned a beautiful dress out of the silk fabric. The math problem was so complex that it took me an hour to solve it. During the drought, there was a shortage of water in the village. The campers were very resourceful when they used stones and branches to make a shelter. The scientist had to devise a new experiment to test her theory. Farmers cultivate the land to grow crops and feed the population. The brave knight faced his tormentors without fear. There was a shortage of food during the long winter. With a little creativity, you can devise a solution to most problems.

Write the Meanings of the above Words on the Lines Below:

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11 June 2024

Jalilah Author Country Flag

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