
Elements of Art

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Date Shared: 27 May 2021

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The elements of art and principles of design are the fundamental parts of an artwork. Identifying these elements is one way to understand an artwork.

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Match the pairs below:
line → the path of a point moving through space, texture → the tactile qualities of a surface, shape → an enclosed area of space created through lines, form → an element of art closely related to shape, but form is always three-dimensional, colour → produced by the way an object reflects or emits light, value → the range of tones from white, which is the lightest, to black, which is the darkest, space → how an artwork uses or depicts depth or distance
SPACE Fill the blanks below:
Space is how an artwork uses or depicts _depth_ or distance. Sculptors and architects work with all _three_ dimensions of space - height, _width,_ and depth. Artists who work on a flat _surface_ can make a _two-dimensional_ surface appear _three-dimensional._ Space can give the _illusion_ of objects in an artwork being _close_ or far away. _Positive_ space is the areas of the artwork filled with the content and _negative_ space is the space in between.
LINE Fill the blanks below:
A line can be described as the _path_ of a point moving through space. In an artwork, there are many _types_ of line. We can look for the _direction_ of the line, the feeling of the _line,_ the quality of the line, and how the _lines_ move our eye through artworks.
TEXTURE Fill the blanks below:
Texture refers to the _tactile_ qualities of a surface - the way objects actually _feel_ or the way they _look_ like they would feel.
SHAPE Fill the blanks below:
A shape is an _enclosed_ area of space created through _lines_ and other elements of the _composition._ Shapes can be _geometric_ or free-form
FORM Fill the blanks below:
Form is an _element_ of art closely related to shape, but form is always _three-dimensional._ A form is measurable by length, width, and _height,_ and encloses _volume._ Forms can be actual 3-D forms created with _sculpture_ or architecture, or they can be implied forms where the artist creates the _illusion_ of the form onto a _flat_ surface.
COLOUR Fill the blanks below:
Colour is produced by the way an object reflects or emits _light._ By placing colours next to each other in _different_ ways, artists can create a _variety_ of _effects._
COLOUR - Hue, Value & Intensity Fill in the blanks below:
Each colour has three properties: hue, value, and intensity. HUE is the name of the _colour._ VALUE is a colour's _lightness_ or darkness. INTENSITY refers to the _brightness_ of a colour, often measured by boldness or _dullness._ There are three primary colours _(blue,_ _yellow,_ and _red)_ from which all other colours are _made._ Colours can be evaluated as complementary, analogous, and _warm_ or cool.
VALUE Fill the blanks below:
Value in art refers to the _lightness_ and _darkness_ of colours and is often described in _varying_ levels of contrast. A value _scale_ shows the range of _tones_ from white, which is the _lightest,_ to _black,_ which is the darkest. The _closer_ together the values are on a scale, the less _contrast_ we see.

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27 May 2021

staceyholmes Author Country Flag

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