
Exam 1 Key Terms

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Date Shared: 25 April 2023

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The acrosomes of the sperm surrounding the ovum release their enzymes, and thus break down the hyaluronic acid in the ovum’s corona radiata. This is called an
acrosomal reaction
A thin protective membrane that contains amniotic fluid is called
The liquid surrounding the fetus in utero. It absorbs shocks, permits fetal movement, and prevents heat loss is called
amniotic fluid
The enlarging uterus presses on the aorta and its collateral circulation is called
aortocaval compression
The passive fetal movement elicited when the examiner inserts two gloved fingers into the vagina and pushes against the cervix. This action pushes the fetal body up, and as it falls back, the examiner feels a rebound is called
Within the morula’s central cavity, the inner solid mass of cells is called a
Intermittent painless uterine contractions that may occur every 10–20 minutes and occur more frequently near the end of pregnancy are called
Braxton Hicks contractions
The removal of the plasma membrane overlying the spermatozoa’s acrosomal area and the loss of seminal plasma proteins. If the glycoprotein coat is not removed, the sperm will not be able to fertilize the ovum is called
Blue-purple discoloration of the cervix is called the
Chadwick sign
Brownish pigmentation over the bridge of the nose and the cheeks during pregnancy. Also called melasma gravidarum or mask of pregnancy is called
The first and outermost membrane to form is called
A small yellow body that develops within a ruptured ovarian follicle is called
corpus luteum
Subdivisions of the placenta made up of anchoring villi and decidual tissue is called
A separation of the abdominal muscle is called
diastasis recti
Blood passes from the pulmonary artery though this vessel into the descending aorta, bypassing the lungs is called
ductus arteriosus
Most of the umbilical vein’s blood flows through this vessel directly into the inferior vena cava, bypassing the liver is called
ductus venosus
The early stage of development of the young of any organism. In a human, the embryonic period is from about 2 to 8 weeks’ gestation and is characterized by cellular differentiation and predominantly hyperplastic growth is called an
The amnion and chorion are
embryonic membranes
The approximated date of childbirth. Also called estimated date of delivery is referred to as
Estimated date of birth (EDB)
The portion of the pelvis above the linea terminalis that supports the enlarged pregnant uterus is called the
false pelvis
The monthly rhythmic changes in sexually mature women; composed of the ovarian cycle, during which ovulation occurs, and the uterine cycle, during which menstruation occurs is called the
Female reproductive cycle
The process by which a sperm fuses with an ovum to form a new diploid cell, or zygote is called
The child in utero from about the seventh to ninth week of gestation until birth is called a
An opening between the atria of the fetal heart is called the
Foramen ovale
Female or male germ cells; contain a haploid number of chromosomes
The process by which germ cells are produced
Softening of the cervix
Goodell sign
The ovarian cyst containing the ripe ovum, which secretes estrogens
Graafian follicle
A softening of the isthmus of the uteru
Hegar sign
A probable sign of pregnancy characterized by an ease in flexing the body of the uterus against the cervix
McDonald sign
A reductive division of sex cells, producing ova or sperm with a half set (haploid) of chromosomes
A darkening of the skin over the cheeks, nose, and forehead.
Melasma gravidarum
The process of cell division
A term that refers to the nausea and vomiting that a woman may experience in early pregnancy. This lay term is sometimes used because these symptoms frequently occur in the early part of the day and disappear within a few hours
Morning sickness
Developmental stage of the fertilized ovum in which there is a solid mass of cells
A common method of determining the estimated date of birth using the first day of the last menstrual period, subtracting 3 months, and adding 7 days
Nägele rule
The process that produces the female gamete, called an ovum (egg)
Normal process of discharging a mature ovum from an ovary approximately 14 days before the onset of menses
Upper border of the true pelvis
Pelvic inlet
Lower border of the true pelvis
Pelvic outlet
Apparent anemia that results because during pregnancy the plasma volume increases more than the erythrocytes increase. Also called pseudoanemia
Physiologic anemia of pregnancy
A flat, disc-shaped organ that is highly vascular and normally forms in the upper segment of the endometrium of the uterus; exchanges nutrients and gases between the fetus and the mother
Period of time in embryonic/fetal development calculated from the time of fertilization of the ovum
Postconception age
Programs offered to expectant families, adolescents, women, or partners to provide education regarding the pregnancy, labor, and birth experience
Prenatal education
The mother’s perception of fetal movement
A practice, behavior, or environmental factor that increases the potential of negative effects on an individual’s health
Risk factors
The process by which mature spermatozoa are formed
Whitish-silver stretch marks seen in obesity and during or after pregnancy
The enlarging uterus presses on the aorta and its collateral circulation
Supine hypotensive syndrome
Any substance that adversely affects the normal growth and development of the fetus
The largest diameter of the pelvic inlet; helps determine the shape of the inlet
Transverse diameter
The outer layer of cells that surrounds the cavity and replaces the zona pellucida
The portion that lies below the linea terminalis; made up of the inlet, cavity, and outlet
True pelvis
Formed from the mesoderm and is covered by the amnion
Umbilical cord
The enlarging uterus presses on the aorta and its collateral circulation
Vena caval syndrome
Surrounds the blood vessels in the umbilical cord, prevents compression of the cord in utero
Wharton jelly
When the female gamete and the male gamete unite (fertilized ovum)
A procedure used to obtain amniotic fluid for genetic testing to determine fetal abnormalities or fetal lung maturity in the third trimester of pregnancy
A method of evaluating the respiratory function (oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange) of a placenta
Contraction stress test (CST)
A standardized, recommended nutrient intake to support a healthy diet often provided by health organizations
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
A noninvasive technique that enables the pregnant woman to monitor and record movements easily and without expense
Fetal movement record
A vitamin that is required for normal growth, reproduction, and lactation and that prevents the macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia of pregnancy
Folic acid
The act of tightening the perineal muscle in order to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle and increase its elasticity
Kegel exercises
An exercise that helps prevent or reduce back strain as it strengthens abdominal muscles. Also called pelvic rocking
Pelvic tilt
A widely used method of evaluating fetal status; may be used alone or as part of a more comprehensive diagnostic assessment called a biophysical profile
Nonstress test (NST)
Maternal screening that measures five indicators whose presence may suggest fetal complications: AFP, beta hCG, unconjugated estriol, inhibin A, and invasive trophoblast antigen
Penta screen
The craving for and persistent eating of nonnutritive substances not ordinarily considered to be edible or nutritionally valuable, such as soil, clay, and soap
The most widely used test to screen for Down syndrome (trisomy 21), trisomy 18, and neural tube defects
Quadruple screen

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25 April 2023

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