Interactive e-Worksheet
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Date Shared: 20 June 2022
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Worksheet Instructions:
This week we will do a Speaking task. You will talk in pairs. That means that you will talk to another student. That person will be your partner for the task. You will ask and answer questions. Then you will change partners and speak to a DIFFERENT partner. = You will have a NEW partner. = You will have ANOTHER partner. Read the instructions. Then ask or answer a question. EXAMPLES: 1. READ: Ask your partner how to say her first name or his first name. SAY [ask a question]: "How do you say your first name?" 2. READ: Tell your partner where you are from originally. SAY [answer a question]: "I'm from Eritrea originally." --------------------------------------------------------------------
Target Language or Knowledge:
READ: Ask your partner how she or he is.
SAY: "____________________"
How are you? ( = How are you doing? = How's it going?)
READ: Tell your partner how you are.
SAY: "____________________"
I'm fine. Thanks. How are you?
READ: Ask your partner how to pronounce her first name or his first name.
SAY: "____________________"
How do you pronounce your first name?
READ: Tell your partner how to pronounce your first name.
EXAMPLE: SAY: "____________________"
It's Anna. AN - na. The STRESS is on the first (1st) syllable.
READ: Ask your partner where he or she is from originally. [first country; where born]
SAY: "____________________"
Where are you from originally? (= What's your first country? = Where were you born?)
READ: Tell your partner where you are from originally. [first country; where born]
SAY: "____________________"
I'm from _________ originally. (= My first country is __________. = I was born in __________.)
READ: Ask your partner how long he or she has been in Canada.
SAY: "____________________"
How long have you been in Canada?
READ: Tell your partner how long you have been in Canada.
SAY: "____________________"
I have been in Canada for _____________. (ex. 3 years ; ex. 10 months ; ex. 1 year and 7 months)
READ: Ask your partner what she did in her first country. OR Ask your partner what he did in his first country.
SAY: "____________________"
What did you do in your first country?
READ: Tell your partner what you did in your first country.
SAY: "____________________"
examples: 1. I was a homemaker. 2. I was a student. 3. I was a cook in a restaurant.
READ: Ask your partner if she or he has Canadian work experience. [= has worked in Canada]
SAY: "____________________"
Do you have Canadian work experience? (= Have you worked in Canada?) [a job in Canada now or in the past]
READ: Answer your partner's question about Canadian work experience.
SAY: "________________"
Yes, I do. OR No, I don't. [about "Do you have ... ?"] Yes, I have. OR No, I haven't. [about "Have you ... ?']
READ: Ask your partner to tell you about her or his Canadian work or volunteer experience. [NOT a question]
SAY: "_______________________"
Tell me about your Canadian work or volunteer experience.
READ: Tell your partner about your Canadian work or volunteer experience.
SAY: "_______________________"
examples: 1. I don't have any Canadian work or volunteer experience. 2. Last year I worked at Superstore for 6 months. 3. I'm a cook in a restaurant now. 4. I volunteered at the Saskatoon Food Bank for 5 months.
READ: Ask your partner if he or she is looking for a job now
SAY: "_______________________"
Are you looking for a job now?
READ: Answer your partner's question about looking for a job now.
SAY: "_______________________"
Yes, I am. OR No, I'm not.
READ: Ask your partner what job she or he wants (in the future).
SAY: "_______________________"
What job do you want (in the future)?
READ: Tell your partner what job you want (in the future).
SAY: "_______________________"
examples: 1. I want to be a cashier in a store. 2. I want to be a bus driver. 3. I don't want a job.
READ: Ask your partner what her goals are (for the future). OR Ask your partner what his goals are (for the future).
SAY: "_______________________"
What are your goals (for the future)?
READ: Tell your partner what your goals are (for the future).
SAY: "_______________________"
examples: 1. I want to get a good job. 2. I want to get Canadian citizenship. 3. I want to speak English very well. 4. I want to buy a house.
READ: Ask your partner what is easy for her in English. OR Ask your partner what is easy for him in English.
SAY: " __________________________"
What is easy for you in English?
READ: Tell your partner what is easy for you in English.
SAY: " __________________________"
examples: 1. Listening is easy for me in English. 2. Speaking is easy for me in English. 3. Reading is easy for me in English. 4. Writing is easy for me in English.
READ: Ask your partner what is difficult for her in English. OR Ask your partner what is difficult for him in English.
SAY: " __________________________"
What is difficult for you in English?
READ: Tell your partner what is difficult for you in English.
SAY: " __________________________"
examples: 1. Listening is difficult for me in English. 2. Speaking is difficult for me in English. 3. Reading is difficult for me in English. 4. Writing is difficult for me in English.
READ: Tell your partner you enjoyed talking to her. Thank your partner. OR Tell your partner you enjoyed talking to him. Thank your partner.
SAY: "____________________"
I enjoyed talking to you. (OR It was nice talking to you.) Thanks.
READ: Tell your partner that she is welcome. OR Tell your partner that he is welcome.
Tell your partner to have a great day.
Say goodbye to your partner.
SAY: "______________________"
You're welcome. Have a great day. Bye.
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20 June 2022
donaldbcampbell Author