
Measuring Temperature Changes

Interactive e-Worksheet

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Country Flag New Zealand

Date Shared: 6 September 2022

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Worksheet Instructions:

The most common instrument used to measure the temperature of a substance is the thermometer. Thermometers have a liquid in a bulb at one end with a fine tube running through the length of a glass rod. The liquid is either mercury (silver) or alcohol (red).If the bulb is placed in a hot substance, then the liquid climbs up the tube. This is because the hotter substance loses thermal energy to the liquid in the bulb. The particles move faster and push each other further apart, making the liquid expand up the tube.If the bulb is put into a cold substance, the liquid contracts and sinks down the tube. The liquid in the bulb loses thermal energy to the colder substance, causing the liquid particles to slow down. The particles move closer together and the liquid contracts.Laboratory thermometers use the Celsius scale and measure in egrees Celsius (°C). The scale on the thermometer is fixed against two known temperatures – the ice point (0°C) and the steam point (100°C) by the manufacturer.

Target Language or Knowledge:

Skin is very sensitive to temperature change.
A cool object has less thermal energy than the same object when it is hot
When an object loses thermal energy, the particles it is made of can move more freely.
Moving atoms and molecules have kinetic energy
Heating an object will always cause its temperature to rise.
All thermometers use the Celsius scale.
The Celsius scale uses two fixed points – the ice point and the steam point.
Thermometers work because liquids expand when heated.
Water heats up faster than oil.
Solids expand more than liquids and gases when heated.

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6 September 2022

crillstone Author Country Flag

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