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Date Shared:
26 May 2021
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Faccio il giardinaggio
I do the gardening.
Cucino la cena.
I cook dinner.
Faccio il letto.
I make the bed.
Faccio la lavatrice.
I do the laundry.
Faccio la spesa.
I do the grocery shopping.
Passo l'aspirapolvere.
I do the vacuuming.
Passo lo straccio sul pavimento.
I mop the floor.
Spazzo il pavimento.
I sweep the floor.
I dust.
I do the ironing.
Piego i vestiti.
I fold the clothes.
Pulisco la toilette.
I clean the toilette.
Pulisco il bagno.
I clean the bathroom.
Cambio la lampadina.
I change the lightbulb.
Write sentences using words from above: Starting with a time phrase such as oggi etc
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26 May 2021
Dings Author
For adult/older beginners