
ROME - concepts

Matching Pairs Worksheet

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Date Shared: 8 November 2022

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Censor A government official who counted the people of Rome. He also was responsible for public morality and some of the government finances. Consul The highest position in the Roman government. There were two elected each year for a one year term Mosaic A type of art using small tiles made of glass or stone to create a picture. Forum The area of a Roman town that was the centre of Roman life. Government meetings, public speeches, and business all took place in this location. Praetor A high ranking official in the Roman government. Quaestor An official of the Roman government who supervised various financial affairs. Gladiator A person who fought for the entertainment of Roman audiences. They sometimes fought to the death. Tribune An elected representative of the Plebeian Council. They could veto laws made by the Senate. Republic A country where the government is run by elected officials rather than by a king or emperor. Dynasty When a family passes down the leadership of a country from generation to generation.

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8 November 2022

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