Matching Pairs Worksheet
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Date Shared: 19 April 2019
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Worksheet Instructions:
Match the correct definition in Column B with the Key Concept in Column A. When you have finished write a paragraph to list and describe THREE actions that you can take to be more sustainable and why these actions can make a difference
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Renewable resources
A natural resource that can be replaced and replenished.
Non renewable resources
A resource that cannot be replaced and renewed once it is consumed.
Taking action to make a natural resource last longer for the future.
The action of clearing and removing forests.
An animal or plant species which is at risk of dying out forever.
Renewable Energy
Energy that is collected from renewable resources which can be replaced naturally.
Tropical Rainforests
Tropical rainforests are located within the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
Climate change
Changes in the earth's climate that result in new weather patterns.
Oil, natural gas and coal
Three examples of non-renewable energy
Someone who is a member of a city or country that has legal and political rights.
A line dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres at parallel 0.
The 3 R's of Sustainability
Recycle, reduce and reuse
Social action
An action taken by individuals and groups to bring about change in society.
Solar, wind and electricity
These are three examples of renewable energy.
Fossil fuels
An energy source like oil that comes from fossils.
Student Task. When you have finished write a paragraph to list and describe THREE actions that you can take to be more sustainable and why these actions can make a difference
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19 April 2019
jbower Author