
3rd Alphabetical Order

Multiple Choice Worksheet

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Date Shared: 5 November 2015

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Which word follows "engage" in the dictionary? Which word would follow "honor" in the dictionary? Which word would follow "linoleum" in the dictionary? Which word would follow "minute" in the dictionary? Which word would follow "pleasure" in the dicitonary? What word follows "proceed" in the dictionary? What word follow "respiration" in the dictionary? What word follows "sneeze" in the dictionary? What word follows "territory" in the dictionary? What word follows "curtain" in the dictionary?

erase encounter emigrant energy humble hideout hesitate hiccup literature liberty lightning lilac misery mimic minister method pliers photo place platinum product probable program priority respond resound resort resign snorkel snarl snatch slumber textile telescope tarnish terrific customer cube curse crumble

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5 November 2015

sammonsk Author Country Flag

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