
Henry 8th and the English Reformation

Multiple Choice Worksheet

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Date Shared: 8 March 2021

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Read your section of the text and answer whatever questions you can. Full text: https://www.britannica.com/print/article/261947

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Henry only became king because his elder brother died young. The Tudors were an English royal dynasty in the 15th century. The young Henry 8th was a weak and sickly young man. His father, Henry 7th, was an unpopular king. Henry tried to emulate his father's way of ruling. Henry married Catherine of Aragon, his brother's wife. Henry had a good relationship with his father-in-law, Ferdinand 2 Europe's unity at the time depended on a balance of power between Spain and France. Cardinal Wolsey was a trusted advisor and friend of Henry 8. Many thought that it was actually Wolsey who ruled England. Henry disapproved of Wolsey's ambition of becoming the pope. When Charles 5 came to power, Henry lost influence in Europe. Wolsey lost power when his plans damaged English trade with the Netherlands Ferdinand 2 of Aragon was Queen Catherine's grandfather. By 1523 the English were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the king. By 1527 Wolsey's policies had brought England to the point of bankruptcy. "The King's Matter" was a plan to break away from the Catholic Church. Henry was a strong believer in the Catholic Church. Both the pope and Henry believed he had been wrong to marry Catherine of Aragon. The pope refused to annul Henry's marriage because a previous pope had allowed it. Henry got rid of Wolsey because he couldn't find a solution to his marital problem. Thomas More promised to help the king divorce. Henry, with Thomas More, tried to preserve Catholicism in England. Thomas More organised the break from Rome in 1532. The split from Rome made the king the leader of the new church. The king converted to protestantism because he no longer believed in the Catholic Church. Henry created a completely new church based on his own religious beliefs. Henry was a great admirer of Luther and used him for inspiration. Henry was excommunicated by the pope. Henry raised money by selling the Catholic Church's lands in England.

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8 March 2021

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