
Physical Science 1

Multiple Choice Worksheet

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Date Shared: 6 October 2022

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This makes up everything we know. How many states of matter did we learn about? Matter is anything that has .......... and takes up.........? The states of matter we studied are....... A solid is known to A liquid is known to A gas is known to What cycle uses all of the states of matter? Which answer is NOT a part of the water cycle? Condensation happens when Evaporation happens when Melting occurs when Freezing occurs when Where water is held during the water cycle What method do scientists use to find answers to questions? What is the first step of the Scientific Method? What is another way to say, "educated guess?" How many steps are there to the Scientific Method? What do you do after you observe the outcome of your experiment? What are Mrs. Wilson's 2 classroom rules? (two answers) What is Mrs. Wilson's favorite animal? What is Mrs. Wilson's favorite color? What time is your STEM class everyday?

matter solid gas mass 3 13 7 50 mass gas food 3 space liquid offering sewing solid, liquid, and gas solid, liquid, and grass space, length, and mass length, width, and height have a shape that doesn't change on its own. flow and fill any container. spread out and fill every corner of a room. make up everything. flow and fill any container. make up everything. spread out and fill every corner of a room. have a shape that doesn't change. spread out and fill every corner of a room. make up everything. have a shape that doesn't change. flow and fill any container. water cycle lunar cycle bicycle life cycle melting codensation evaporation precipitation a gas turns into a liquid. a liquid turns into a solid. a solid turns into a liquid. a liquid turns into a gas. a liquid turns into a gas. a gas turns into a liquid. a solid turns into a liquid. a liquid turns into a solid. a solid turns into a liquid. a liquid turns into a gas. a gas turns into a liquid. a liquid turns into a solid. a liquid turns into a solid. a liquid turns into a gas. a solid turns into a liquid. a gas turns into a liquid. collection matter washing machine precipitation Scientific Method Jones Method States of Matter Water Cycle State the Question melting Draw a Conclusion States of Matter Hypothesis Condensation Freezing Observe 6 or 7 2 or 3 11 or 12 there are no steps to the Scientific Method Record and Study Data Form a Hypothesis State the Question Go out to eat Be quiet Stay in your seat No colored pencils You must ask for a tissue owl cat cow giraffe purple pink blue yellow 2:00- 3:00 5:00- 6:00 9:30- 10:30 1:45- 2:45

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6 October 2022

Jodiwil Author Country Flag

Early Elementary Physical Science

28 September 2023

Ervin Country Flag

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