
Sports Injuries and Healthcare Jobs Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice Worksheet

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Country Flag Spain

Date Shared: 15 November 2023

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Worksheet Instructions:

Read the sentences and circle the word (a, b, or c) which best fits in.

Target Language or Knowledge:

A sudden movement which causes a sprain is a ................................... We call ..................................... to a part of your body that comes out of its place. After an accident the patient can have no visible ....................................... The part that supports your head and stands over the torso is the ............................ The elbows, ankles and knees are all .............................................. A GP sends patients to a ......................................... for any organ to be removed (taken out or changed).

twist dislocation jamming dislocation twist broken injury bruising cut neck wrist shoulder blade joints scratches groins surgeon lab technician pharmacist or chemist

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15 November 2023

Carmen40 Author Country Flag

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