Multiple Choice Worksheet
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Date Shared: 8 May 2018
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Worksheet Instructions:
Read the questions. Look and circle the right answers below.
Target Language or Knowledge:
Hello, what's your name?
How are you today?
How old are you?
What's your favourite colour?
What's your favourite food?
Do you like hamburgers?
What can you do?
My name is Thunder.
The dog is running in the park
I'm happy. I'm going to see my friend.
I didn't do my homework.
I am 9 years old.
My dad is 36 years old
My favourite colour is orange.
I like to eat oranges.
My favourite food is pizza.
I don't like eating fish and cheese.
Yes, I do! I like hamburgers.
Yes, I like pizza.
I can be quiet and listen and sit nicely.
I can't swim or play tennis.
Write questions and answers using the examples above.
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8 May 2018
teacherlee Author
Beginner greeting drill worksheet class 2