
Week 1: 7th grade Vocabulary

Multiple Choice Worksheet

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Date Shared: 28 July 2021

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Worksheet Instructions:

Pick the correct answer for each definition.

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An ability; innate or acquired capacity for something. Violently or destructively frenzied; wild; crazed or deranged. The remains of anything broken down or destroyed;ruins; rubble. To seize by or as if by authority; appropriate summarily Portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious Having it's original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied. Something that is not what it purports to be; a spurious imatation; fraud or hoax. To waste time, idle; trifle; loiter; to move slowly. heroic; majestic; impressively great. To move or act with haste; proceed with haste; hurry;

aptitude dawdle debris ominous berserk pristine confiscate ominous debris sham epic dawdle confiscate sham hasten pristine ominous epic berserk aptitude pristine sham epic aptituce sham epic pristine ominous dawdle hasten debris ominous epic hasten debris hasten hasten epic pristine dawdle

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28 July 2021

Jonalyn6 Author Country Flag

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