
Art Appreciation, Matisse, van Gogh, Remington

Picture Matching Worksheet

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Date Shared: 23 September 2020

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This is a painting by Vincent van Gogh. Post Impressionist French Painter, Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh Painting This is a Henri Matisse painting. Portrait of Henri Matisse Henri Matisse Painting Picture of Frederic Remington This painting is of the American Frontier and cowboy, a favorite of Frederic Remington. Painting by Frederic Remington Self Portrait painted by Vincent van Gogh The Murder by Paul Cezanne Self portrait by Paul Cezanne This type of painting is called "Still Life." This ia painted by Paul Cezanne Picture of Pierre-Auguste Renoir Painting by Renoir This was Painted by Renoir. "Girl With Watering Can" by Pierre-Auguste Renoir Paul Cezanne is often acknowledged as the "father of impressionists" and laid the creative groundwork for many famous painters to follow. In this painting he explores CUBISM which is mostly attributed to and made famous by Picasso.

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23 September 2020

Jody3 Author Country Flag

Painting recognition

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