Sentence Scramble Worksheet
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Date Shared: 5 June 2023
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Worksheet Instructions:
Please put the words in the correct order. Use a CAPITAL LETTER at the beginning of the sentence. ex. time ? it what is = What time is it?
Target Language or Knowledge:
your interview appointment is on tues. , june 27 at 10:00 a.m.
please think about your english .
what are you good at in english ?
what do you like to do in class ?
what is easy about english ?
what is difficult about english ?
you did very well on this Listening task .
your spelling is getting better .
your writing has improved a lot .
what do I need to work on more ?
you need to work on grammar more .
you need to practise writing more .
when do you use English outside of class ?
i speak english with my neighbours .
i speak english with my family sometimes .
i speak english when i go shopping .
do you use the Internet at home ?
yes , i do .
i watch YouTube videos in english .
i use facebook in english sometimes .
i watch TV in english .
what are your goals ?
i want to get a good job .
i want to get canadian citizenship .
i want to move to a level 4 class .
please read questions carefully .
please read instructions more carefully .
please be careful about capital letters .
please don't be late for your interview .
you must phone don if you can't come to your interview .
your interview appointment is for wed. , june 28 at 1:00 p.m. .
Write sentences about you. (example: I study English online at home.)
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5 June 2023
donaldbcampbell Author