
Part 1: Dec. 18, 2022 - FUTURE with GOING TO - get ready for a SPEAKING TASK - scrambled sentences

Sentence Scramble Worksheet

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Date Shared: 18 December 2022

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example:    going   .   visit   I'm  to  friends ANSWER:  I'm going to visit friends. -------------------------------------------------------- Remember to use a CAPITAL LETTER at the beginning of every sentence. Don't forget to put a period ( . ) or a question mark ( ? ) at the end of every sentence. IMPORTANT:  Number 4 (#4) has 2 sentences that answer the question in number 3 (#3).  Number 5 (#5) has 2 sentences that answer the question in number 3 (#3). Number 11 (#11):  Please write about "classmates" BEFORE you write about "teacher".  Number 12 (#12):  Please write about "study ______ online" BEFORE you write about "review handouts".  Number 13 (#13):  The first (1st) word in the sentence is NOT "I'm". Number 20 (#20) has 2 sentences that answer the question in number 19 (#19). Number 22: The first word is "I'm". Number 25: The first word is "I'm". Please write about "ALL of ___ _____" BEFORE you write about "when I'm ___ ______ ______".  Number 26: Please START the sentence with "I think..." ---------------------------------------------------------

Target Language or Knowledge:

what are you going to do during your school holiday ? I'm going to spend more time with my family . are you going to do anything special on Christmas Day ? yes, I am . I'm going to eat a big meal with family and friends . no, I'm not . I don't celebrate Christmas . I'm not sure . I don't have any plans yet . I hope I'm going to sleep more than usual . I'm very tired . my family and I are going to relax and have fun together . I'm going to miss my classmates and my teacher . I'm going to study English online and review handouts that Don gave me . maybe I'm going to go out of town to visit friends . I'm going to go to church on Christmas Eve . I'm going to make a snowman with my children . are you going to go shopping on Boxing Day ? are you going to do anything special on New Year's Eve ? are you going to celebrate New Year's Eve ? do you have any New Year's resolutions ? yes, I do . I'm going to speak English every day . I have a New Year's resolution . I'm going to eat more vegetables because it's good for my health . I'm not going to use my phone before I go to bed . that will help me sleep better . I'm going to wear my mask ALL of the time when I'm at Open Door . I think I'm going to visit friends next week . my friends are going to come to my home for dinner .

Write some sentences. Use SOME words from #1 to #27. (example: I'm not going to go to church.)

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18 December 2022

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