
Adjectives - תוארי שם

Word Shape Worksheet

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Country Flag Israel

Date Shared: 24 September 2015

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Worksheet Instructions:

Hi. the following words are all adjectives. Adjectives are words which describe the nouns. For example: a brave girl; a kind boy In English the adjective precedes the noun. שלום, כל המילים הבאות הן תוארי שם תוארי שם מתארים שמות עצם לדוגמה: ילדה אמיצה: ילד טוב לב באנגלית תואר שם בא לפני שם עצם..

Target Language or Knowledge:

young new important fast dirty famous old beautiful clean special round warm strong brave easy sweet ugly kind cool poor tired rich hard funny

Write a phrase with each of the adjectives. For example: a clean kitchen ; a dirty table. כתבו צירוף מילים אחד עם כל תואר שם.

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24 September 2015

liisa77 Author Country Flag

Hi, I'm Liisa. Small development towns like mine don't attract ambitious primary school teachers. Although my daughter is in the 6th grade she hardly knows English. I decided to support her and get to the basics: parts of speech.I hope you'll be able to use my materials. More to come...and other students like her.

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