
The Persian Wars - World Find 1


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Date Shared: 6 June 2024

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Worksheet Instructions:

Student Task: Find the words from the list below and on the back page write a definition and or description for SEVEN of these words. At least one must be a person, a leader from either the Greek or Persian side of this conflict.

Target Language or Knowledge:

Darius Xerxes Leonidas Themistocles Miltiades Marathon Thermopylae Salamis Plataea Artemisium Hellespont Athens Sparta Persia Ionia Delphi Phalanx Hoplites Immortals Trireme Greek League Delian League Medes Achaemenid Empire Oracle Ephialtes Satrap Pheidippides .

STUDENT TASk: write a definition and or description for SEVEN of these words. At least one must be a person, a leader from either the Greek or Persian side of this conflict.

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6 June 2024

jbower Author Country Flag

Created by Mr Bower - Lynfield College, 2024

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