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Lorsque vous vivez une situation difficile, il est nécéssaire de "prendre du recul" afin de ne pas être submerger par vos émotions et regretter certaines attitudes. En cherchant les mots de la liste ci-dessous, en faisant cet exercice nous pensons que vous vous en souviendrez dans vos prochains moment difficiles.

1. Wordsearch Words:

Words: 0 of 12

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2. Grid Size:

*Auto will use the smallest grid size that fits all the words.

3. Puzzle Difficulty:

Words will be placed across only. Ideal for sight word practice.

Words will be placed across and down only and spread out if possible.

Words will be placed across, down and diagonally and spread out.

Words will be placed in all directions (including reverse) and tightly interweaved.

4. Letter Case:

Please check final worksheet for any inappropriate words.

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Prendre du recul

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4 October 2020

cola1 Author Country Flag

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