Cloze Test Worksheet
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Date Shared: 7 March 2017
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For the most part, kids who we consider “academic” tend to be good hoop jumpers. They’ve figured out the system and can navigate their way through the predictable demands of the system. But they are seldom truly engaged. Rarely are they transformed by their learning. They’re going through the motions.
Research shows that some of the least engaged students are the highest achievers. Think about that. They do well because they know how to “do school.” Is this really the best we have to offer them?
What if you’re not “academic”? Most of these kids pass through too many years of their young lives feeling like they don’t measure up. Feeling stupid. And for some, it radically alters their trajectory of their adult lives. Unfortunately, too many students have to recover from school once they graduate. Is this really what we want for them?
who to They've and through the seldom transformed going shows least highest They know Is we What Most through their they stupid radically their many from Is want
What does this passage say about academic and no-academic students? What are your thoughts on what he says?
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7 March 2017
SheilaRosa Author