
Teen Brain #1 CLOZE

Cloze Test Worksheet

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Date Shared: 28 April 2019

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Most of the research on the adolescent brain focuses on the prefrontal cortex. The largest part of the brain, the cortex, is divided into lobes that mature from back to front. The last section to connect is the frontal lobe, responsible for cognitive processes such as reasoning, planning, judgment, and self-regulation—often called “executive” functions. This mental union is completed somewhere between ages 25 and 30—much later than once thought (e.g., Lebel, 2011).

on the part cortex that front connect responsible as called union ages than

What does this passage tell us about the Prefrontal Cortex? USE YOUR OWN WORDS

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28 April 2019

SheilaRosa Author Country Flag

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