

Cloze Test Worksheet

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Country Flag United States of America

Date Shared: 7 September 2016

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Worksheet Instructions:

Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

Target Language or Knowledge:

1. The people of Vermont enjoy nature. They like a quiet life. 2. The mountains have lakes, or large pieces of water with land around them. 3. Americans love to eat thin, soft cakes they make in a frying pan. They usually eat pancakes on Sundays. 4. Americans eat pancakes with maple syrup. 5. People put liquid in big containers or buckets. 6. A gallon is a measurement for liquid. It is 4 quarts or 8 pints.

quiet lakes pancakes syrup buckets gallon

Write sentences using 5 new words from your spelling list.

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7 September 2016

gringa999 Author Country Flag

All About the USA book 1 chapter 3

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