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Date Shared: 8 July 2022
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Worksheet Instructions:
A. Choose the best option (year or years) for every sentence:
Target Language or Knowledge:
The 50 ________old bottle of wine was worth a lot of money. The seven ________ old was happy to go to school. This country is hundreds of ________old. His 12 ________ old brother collects baseball cards. Her six ________ old dog is really hyper. She was 42 ________old when she got married. The 50 ________ old was driving the car. For being a 95 ________ old, she’s still very sharp. This car is 3 ________old. Her mother just turned 83 ________old. This book is 104 ________old. Their 3 ________ old niece is visiting tomorrow. B. Fill in the blanks with year or years: 90 ____old Meri Mion said that she would never forget her last birthday Meri was 13 ______ old when she and her family hid on their Italian farm as German and American forces fought in the last days of World War II. When they awoke to see the US liberation of their village, Meri’s mother, a 35 ______ old widow, baked her a birthday cake, and she left it to cool on the windowsill. However, it disappeared, and apparently hungry US soldiers took it. 77 ______ later, when Meri was already 90 ______ old, a special ceremony remembered the arrival of US forces in the town of Vincenza in 1945, and US soldiers presented Meri with a new cake to replace the old one. Italians greeted US soldiers during the war with cheers, wine, and bread. The US and local Italian officials said that almost 80 ______ later, the relations were still warm. C. Complete the sentences about yourself using the age + year / years old: For example, I've been using a cell phone since I was 15 years old. When I was a ________ child, I learned how to read. I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was ________ . I've been learning English since I was ________ . I earned my first money when I was a ________ individual. When I was ________ , I first traveled abroad. ____________________________________________(your example). ____________________________________________(your example).
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8 July 2022
hairyMosquito3 Author