Level: Any.
Skills: Reading.
Target Language: Vocabulary and translations, collocations, verb tenses, phrasal verbs, articles, opposites, active / passive voice, etc.
Activity Goal: Improve memorisation of the link between two types of language.
Summary: This worksheet generator creates either a set of cut out cards, or a draw-a-line spaghetti worksheet for words or phrasal pairs.
Example Usage:
- Distribute worksheets / sets of cut-out cards.
- Students work in pairs to match the two types of language on the worksheet or the cards.
- Teacher circulates around the room providing help and checking student answers.
Notes and Ideas:
- Extend with a writing exercise where students choose 4 pairs and write 4 sentences using them.
- Repeat the exercise to reinforce, with a slight variation to maintain student interest. For example, if using small cards, the cards can be shuffled after successful completion and students can work in pairs to re-match and glue cards down on a separate sheet of paper.