Matching Triples printable worksheet generator

For draw-a-line worksheets or cut-out matching cards.

1. Activity Type:

If you want to make matching pairs use our Matching Pairs Generator instead.

2. Word or Phrasal Triples: (Groups of 3)

Match the groups correctly as you enter them. Quickworksheets will automatically mix up the order of the second and third columns on the final worksheet.

Set 1:

Set 2:

Set 3:

Set 4:

Set 5:

Set 6:

Set 7:

Set 8:

Set 9:

Set 10:

Set 11:

Set 12:

Set 13:

Set 14:

Set 15:

This many sets may not all fit on one page.

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Loaded Worksheet Info

Pythagorean Triples

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17 April 2012

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Pythagorean Theorem: Right-angled triangles have sides of length satisfying this formula: A squared plus B square equals C squared. A Pythagorean triple is a set of three integers A, B and C that satisfy the formula.

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