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Date Shared: 23 March 2018
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Objective: This is a speaking exercise for the final sound of verbs. The teacher chooses the tense to practice either 'past tense' or 'present tense.' The tense of the verb does NOT change during the drill. Directions: Students work in small groups. Select one person to flip the cards and to ask the question What did he do?/What did she do? The rest of the group answers. Follow the examples: What did he do? (to talk) He talkSSSSSSS. What did she do? (to walk) She walkTTT. When all of the verbs are completed in the drill the person to the left of the leader now becomes the leader. The leader mixes the cards and begins again. Continue until everyone has had the chance to be the leader. Remember, the ending sound is to be EXAGGERATED! This is to be a fun way to drill endings that are difficult to remember. Remember my dear students, in my class, you must be brave to learn to speak English!
Target Language or Knowledge:
to walk to sit to see to smell to taste to remember to say to listen to scrub to sweep to push to lift to write to copy to talk to stand to hear to touch to think to call to speak to clean to rub to carry to pull to push to drop to trace to read to write to go to come to forget to remember to call to listen to speak to
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23 March 2018
Lisa12204 Author
Pronunciation/articulation drill for ending sounds in English. Objective: This is a speaking exercise for the final sound of verbs. The teacher chooses the tense to practice either 'past tense' or 'present tense.' The tense of the verb does NOT change during the drill. Directions: Students work in small groups. Select one person to flip the cards and to ask the question What did he do?/What did she do? The rest of the group answers. Follow the examples: What did he do? (to talk) He talkSSSSSSS. What did she do? (to walk) She walkTTT. When all of the verbs are completed in the drill the person to the left of the leader now becomes the leader. The leader mixes the cards and begins again. Continue until everyone has had the chance to be the leader. Remember, the ending sound is to be EXAGGERATED! This is to be a fun way to drill endings that are difficult to remember. Remember my dear students, in my class, you must be brave to learn to speak English!