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Word Shape Worksheet

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Sleepygnat Country Flag

Fill in the squares with irregular verbs

liisa77 Country Flag

Hi everybody,
this is the improved version of the first Adjectives 1: Word Shape.

liisa77 Country Flag

I'm Liisa from an Israeli development town in the middle of the Negev desert. English is hard both for Hebrew and Arabic speaking children as well as adults in Israel. I teach adults on a university level and the hardship is still visible even there.
My hometown doesn't attract ambitious English teachers and sometimes I find our school children - my 11-year old daughter among them - lagging behind the level of more privileged children in other parts of the country.
As we are soon celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles I decided to put my days off in a creative use with this great site and get to the basics: parts of speech.
This is the first worksheet introducing some common adjectives. Parents and teachers, please, model right pronunciation and emphasize that language is not just words. Words combined correctly and thoughtfully form phrases, sentences, paragraphs, stories (written or oral), books and speeches.
The amount and number of adjectives will increase in each exercise.
Have a wonderful beginning of the school year and let's meet in sharing!

liisa77 Country Flag

Hi, I'm Liisa. Small development towns like mine don't attract ambitious primary school teachers. Although my daughter is in the 6th grade she hardly knows English. I decided to support her and get to the basics: parts of speech.I hope you'll be able to use my materials. More to come...and other students like her.

Quickworksheets Country Flag

Writing practice worksheet for Consonant Vowel Consonant (CVC) "~at" word family.

gramarye Country Flag

vocabulary development

balu1200 Country Flag

Parties du Corps

delores Country Flag

Word Shape Finding the Titanic

myjaxon Country Flag

2nd grade spelling words

myjaxon Country Flag

2nd grade spelling words

myjaxon Country Flag

2nd grade spelling words

sernst79 Country Flag

Aqua and Terr greek and latin roots words

malbeck Country Flag

Whoo-hoo!...perfect, 1st time round, incorporated all

What Word?


Jeanne234 Country Flag

Goes with Paces


Meine Familie

Showing 81 to 120 of 120