My Worksheets (online storage)
Any worksheets that you save will be visible on your My Worksheets page. Here is a list of some of the main features of that page:
- Online storage used.
- Filter contents.
- Folder navigation.
- Sort worksheets by title or date.
- Actions menu.
- Multiple select checkboxes.
1. Online Storage Used
These bar graphs tell you at a glance how much online storage you have used for printable and e-Worksheets. The amount of online storage you have depends on your current plan.
If you are running out of storage you can delete worksheets you no longer need or upgrade to a plan with higher storage limits.
2. Filter Contents
You can narrow down your list of activities in the current folder by Worksheet Type.
You can also narrow down your list of worksheets by search term. Enter a word or phrase and click "Search" to do this. Searches are applied to the current folder only.
You can use both of these in conjunction - for example, you can display all "Crossword" worksheets containing the word "animals".
3. Folder navigation
The folder navigation bar shows which folder you are currently viewing and allows you to jump up to a higher folder in the hierarchy.
You can create a new folder in your current location with the "New Folder" button on the right-hand side.
4. Sort Worksheets
By default worksheets are shown in reverse chronological order with the most recently created worksheet shown first.
You can change this by clicking on the sort buttons at the top of the "Date Created" and "Worksheet Title" columns to sort by date created or alphabetically by worksheet title. Clicking the sort button a second time reverses the sort order.
5. Actions Menu
Click on the button with the three vertical dots to show the actions menu for an activity. The actions available depend on the type of activity. The first action (shown above the divider line) is the default action. If you click directly on a worksheet or folder the default action will be triggered.
Printable worksheets have the following available actions:
- View PDF - View or download a PDF file of the finalised worksheet.
- Edit in FinalTouches - Open the FinalTouches Editor so you can make further changes. (Requires a PRO account.)
- Access link - Share a PDF of this worksheet privately with an access link.
- Share publicly - Share this worksheet with all Quickworksheets users.
- Use as template - Create a new worksheet based on the content of this worksheet.
- Move... - Move this worksheet to a different folder.
- Edit draft - For draft worksheets only: open this draft in the worksheet generator so you can finish creating it.
- Rename - Change the worksheet file title.
- Add / Edit Note - Add a private note for your own reference about this activity.
- Delete - Delete the worksheet from your online storage.
Interactive activities have the following actions:
- View responses - View the responses of people that have completed your activity.
- Start activity - Open the activity in your browser to try it out.
- Edit activity - Load the activity builder to make changes.
- Access link - Display the access link and QR code for this activity.
- Share publicly - Share this activity with all Quickworksheets users.
- Use as template - Create a new activity based on the content of this one.
- Move... - Move this activity to a different folder.
- Rename - Change the activity title.
- Delete - Delete the activity and all associated responses from your online storage.
6. Multiple Select Checkboxes
Click on the top checkbox to select all worksheets and activities on this page. Click on the individual checkboxes to select or deselect individual items.
To apply actions to the selected worksheet use the actions panel (pictured below) that appears at the bottom of the screen. You can delete, move or download multiple items.
You cannot download e-Worksheets or worksheets that are drafts - they have to be finalised first.
Below is a demonstration of how to use the Download Archive feature.
Undo Delete
If you click the delete button by accident you will have the opportunity to restore the worksheet by clicking on "Restore". Once you navigate away from the current page you will not be able to restore a deleted worksheet.